Forum Discussion

krmidhun_323560's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2017

iRule redirect with URL masking and URI rewrite



I am looking for a iRule to do a URL redirection and also appending a URI to the redirected URL. The redirected URL should be masked so that the client will not see that in the address bar.


The iRule I tried is given below. Which didn't work. Do I need to create a pool and add the server (myserver01:9001) to it?.


The url loads fine from the server when I browse it from the LAN network


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { (([HTTP::host] contains "") and ([HTTP::uri] equals "/" )) }{ HTTP::redirect } }


  • Hi,

    You can't achieve what you are expecting without using iframes. But I strongly discourage you to use them for security reasons.

    You can instead redirect to a relative path and then forward the request to the correct backend server :


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
            HTTP::redirect "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0" 
        if {[HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0"} {
            node myserver01 9001


  • Hi,

    You can't achieve what you are expecting without using iframes. But I strongly discourage you to use them for security reasons.

    You can instead redirect to a relative path and then forward the request to the correct backend server :


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
            HTTP::redirect "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0" 
        if {[HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0"} {
            node myserver01 9001


    • krmidhun_323560's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks Yann for the prompt response. I am a newbie to iRuling. So isn't it just possible to redirect to without using a pool or node in the backend and let the redirection itself take care of the traffic getting forwarded to the server.


      Another thought is that can we use the pool instead of node while using the relative path method?


    • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      Redirecting the user mean that the browser will issue a request to the provided URL.


      If the URL is absolute, the browser will issue a request to myserver01 on tcp port 9001.


      If myserver01 resolve a virtual server IP, then the request will go through the Bigip.


      otherwise, the request will be issued to the backend server without reaching the bigip.


      You can also use the pool command instead of node.


      Hope it help


    • krmidhun_323560's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Yann,

      This one worked fine and I was able to map the virtual server instead of the node. However the issue is that the subsequent URIs are not working after the first page is loaded fine. So I removed the redirection part and configured the following iRule to send the traffic directly to the virtual server.

      As the initial request comes on port 443, I created a virtual server with port 443 and called the following iRule without adding any pool to it. Also configured another virtual server with port 9001 and added pool with member listening on port 9001. However this doesn't work for some reason

      when HTTP_REQUEST {

      if { [HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
          virtual buyer_vs_9001
  • Hi,

    You can't achieve what you are expecting without using iframes. But I strongly discourage you to use them for security reasons.

    You can instead redirect to a relative path and then forward the request to the correct backend server :


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
            HTTP::redirect "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0" 
        if {[HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/apm/rest/MOBILITY/authService/1.0"} {
            node myserver01 9001


    • krmidhun_323560's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks Yann for the prompt response. I am a newbie to iRuling. So isn't it just possible to redirect to without using a pool or node in the backend and let the redirection itself take care of the traffic getting forwarded to the server.


      Another thought is that can we use the pool instead of node while using the relative path method?


    • Yann_Desmarest's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Redirecting the user mean that the browser will issue a request to the provided URL.


      If the URL is absolute, the browser will issue a request to myserver01 on tcp port 9001.


      If myserver01 resolve a virtual server IP, then the request will go through the Bigip.


      otherwise, the request will be issued to the backend server without reaching the bigip.


      You can also use the pool command instead of node.


      Hope it help


    • krmidhun_323560's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Yann,

      This one worked fine and I was able to map the virtual server instead of the node. However the issue is that the subsequent URIs are not working after the first page is loaded fine. So I removed the redirection part and configured the following iRule to send the traffic directly to the virtual server.

      As the initial request comes on port 443, I created a virtual server with port 443 and called the following iRule without adding any pool to it. Also configured another virtual server with port 9001 and added pool with member listening on port 9001. However this doesn't work for some reason

      when HTTP_REQUEST {

      if { [HTTP::host] contains "" and [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
          virtual buyer_vs_9001