Forum Discussion
iRule periodic logging
Thank you all for the answers!
Main goal of iRule is to monitor number of users logged into an appication and, if number exceed a limit, to block access for new users into application.
iRule is working fine for me, but I have been requested to send periodically number of active users so we can set thresholds correctly and this was something I did not know how to do.
I already solved problem thanks to CA_Valli idea altough I used tables in my iRule I did not think it can have such a simple solution (may not work correctly for low number of requests).
if { [table lookup -notouch "timer_check"] != "Y" } {
log local0. "Number of users: [table keys -subtable $tbl_conns -count]"
table set "timer_check" "Y" 10
I set up value in table with timeout 10 and everytime value timeouted I send log message and set up value again. Worked correctly for me with about 50 requests per second, not tested for higher number yet.
- Kevin_DaviesApr 20, 2023
Usually this information is fed into some monitoring system. Many of these poll for information. So you can setup a different kind of response on a reporting virtual server which the monitoring system can poll for the user information. I've used this to provide detailed staticstics about iRule solutions as a full HTML page or JSON output shown below.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/monitor"} { response = "{ \"users\": [table keys -subtable $tbl_conns -count] }" HTTP::respond 200 content $response Content-Type "application/json; charset=UTF-8" Connection "Close" } }
With the above attached to a virtual server you can give the monitoring system to get the JSON response below. Most monitoring systems can easily consume this.
{ "users": 10 }
I hope that helps!
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