Forum Discussion

r23_78178's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 13, 2012

iRule idea check certificate




I am occasionally tasked with checking ssl certificates on my customer's F5 LTM.


This is a manual task and it takes time and adding beaureaucracy means updating in the last minute.



I have an idea. What if I create an IRule to check certificates using something like :


openssl x509 -in /config/ssl/ssl.crt/default.crt -noout -enddate |cut -c10-40


and then send a notification that a certificate will expire in the next 2-3 months.



I am a beginner with all iRules. Is this feasible/possible ? How should I start ?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi r23,



    You could use openssl to do this. An iRule probably wouldn't be the right tool to run the script. You could create a script and call it from cron though. Or here's an iControl example form George Watkins:





  • i think it could be possible. for example, irule may inject message to log which can trigger alertd to run script and send email notification.



    anyway, do you know by default there is checkcert script?



    sol7574: Monitoring SSL certificate expiration on the BIG-IP system

  • But "checkcert" only warns of 30 days (1 month) , I need 2-3 months.


    Can it be configured ?
  • Can it be configured ?the number of day is not configurable. is external script like the one below useful?



    Proactively Handling Certificate Expiration With ssl-cert-check

  • BTW - that example from George Watkins uses Ruby. Not sure if I would get client approval for that.But I will take a look and try to ask as I go along.If you know of any other examples please let me know.
  • @nitass



    for example, irule may inject message to log which can trigger alertd to run script and send email notification.



    If you know a good example of this please provide , I may end up hybridizing the two rules together.
  • i do not have exact example but hope these might be useful.



    log wiki (to inject message to log)




    Acton on Log - using the alertd deamon (to run script based on log)