Forum Discussion

tabkad_89844's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2011

irule for port redirection based on Domain names


I have a webserver listening on multiple ports for different urls.



I have made an irule to start with;


I have a webserver listening on multiple ports for different urls.



I have made an irule to start with;




if {([HTTP::host] eq "") } {


pool pool_abc


} elseif {([HTTP::host] eq "") } {


pool pool_xyz


} elseif { ([HTTP::host] contains "*") } {


pool pool_allstar_abc


} elseif {([HTTP::host] contains "*") } {


pool pool_allstar_xyz








My problem is that the wildcard does not work if there is a request coming from * Each pool is representing different ports in my configuration. Any experts inputs will be highly appreciated.


  • Hi tabkad,

    Try the following

    when HTTP_REQUEST {         
                   switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {               "" { pool pool_abc}
                   "" { pool pool_xyz }
                   "*.abc" { pool pool_allstar_abc }
                   "*" { pool pool_allstar_xyz }
    I hope this helps

  • Hi Bhattman,



    I tried the following and it just works. But now I faced another hurdle ,



    Let me just brief the Application behavior ;



    First the user will hit the pool_abc and then for authentication it has to go to pool_allstar_abc. After getting authenticated the server does a url redirection which it has to go back again on pool_abc.



    But for me it does not work with this irule as the traffic comes back as http://* and for this reason the user on the internet does not get any response from the Server.



    Please advise.