Forum Discussion
Oct 19, 2011irule for logging DNS queries to the load balancer?
Hi all, Before I get into what seems like an easy question and obvious answer, first a bit of background! We are about to refresh our current production load balancers (running...
Jan 19, 2012I wrote this iRule to send query/response logs to remote syslog server, improvement suggestions highly appreciated:
set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool loggers]
set vip [string trimright [IP::local_addr] :]
set vip [IP::local_addr]
set client_ip [IP::remote_addr]
set logline ""
set answer ""
set rrs [DNS::answer]
set num_answers [llength $rrs]
for {set i 1} {$i<=[llength $rrs]} {incr i} {
set rr [lindex $rrs [expr {$i-1}]]
append answer "a_name_" $i "=" [DNS::name $rr] " "
append answer "a_ttl_" $i "=" [DNS::ttl $rr] " "
append answer "a_class_" $i "=" [DNS::class $rr] " "
append answer "a_type_" $i "=" [DNS::type $rr] " "
append answer "a_data_" $i "=" [DNS::rdata $rr] " "
set additional ""
set rrs [DNS::additional]
set num_answers_add [llength $rrs]
for {set i 1} {$i<=[llength $rrs]} {incr i} {
set rr [lindex $rrs [expr {$i-1}]]
append additional "ad_name_" $i "=" [DNS::name $rr] " "
append additional "ad_ttl_" $i "=" [DNS::ttl $rr] " "
append additional "ad_class_" $i "=" [DNS::class $rr] " "
append additional "ad_type_" $i "=" [DNS::type $rr] " "
append additional "ad_data_" $i "=" [DNS::rdata $rr] " "
set authority ""
set rrs [DNS::authority]
set num_answers_auth [llength $rrs]
for {set i 1} {$i<=[llength $rrs]} {incr i} {
set rr [lindex $rrs [expr {$i-1}]]
append authority "auth_name_" $i "=" [DNS::name $rr] " "
append authority "auth_ttl_" $i "=" [DNS::ttl $rr] " "
append authority "auth_class_" $i "=" [DNS::class $rr] " "
append authority "auth_type_" $i "=" [DNS::type $rr] " "
append authority "auth_data_" $i "=" [DNS::rdata $rr] " "
append logline "<190> vip=$vip client=$client_ip" " "
append logline "q_name=[DNS::question name] q_type=[DNS::question type] q_class=[DNS::question class]" " "
append logline "num_answers=$num_answers num_answers_add=$num_answers_add num_answers_auth=$num_answers_auth" " "
append logline "$answer $additional $authority"
HSL::send $hsl $logline
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