Forum Discussion

Brian_Gibson_30's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 09, 2011

Irule causing TMM to reset

Hey all,




So we are trying to create persistence based on SessionId. We use



Unfortunately when we test this is causes the TMM to fail. Here is what the logs say after the Irule is run..



Jun 9 08:35:42 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 01140045:5: HA reports tmm NOT ready.


Jun 9 08:35:42 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 010c0050:5: Sod requests links down.


Jun 9 08:35:43 local/lb01 info lacpd[3335]: 01160016:6: Failover event detected. (Switchboard failsafe disabled while offline)


Jun 9 08:35:44 local/lb01 err bcm56xxd[3331]: 012c0010:3: Failover event detected. Marking external interfaces down. bsx.c(3276)


Jun 9 08:35:44 local/lb01 info bcm56xxd[3331]: 012c0015:6: Link: 1.1 is DOWN


Jun 9 08:35:53 local/lb01 err logger: 0112000f: Unable to get peers local time


Jun 9 08:35:54 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 01140029:5: HA daemon_heartbeat tmm1 fails action is go offline down links and restart.


Jun 9 08:35:54 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 010c003e:5: Offline



We opened a TAC case but haven't heard back, although the engineer mentioned something about a 4 MB limit in processing data in the Irule.




I was hoping someone can provide some insight into this.









Jun 9 08:35:42 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 01140045:5: HA reports tmm NOT ready.


Jun 9 08:35:42 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 010c0050:5: Sod requests links down.


Jun 9 08:35:43 local/lb01 info lacpd[3335]: 01160016:6: Failover event detected. (Switchboard failsafe disabled while offline)


Jun 9 08:35:44 local/lb01 err bcm56xxd[3331]: 012c0010:3: Failover event detected. Marking external interfaces down. bsx.c(3276)


Jun 9 08:35:44 local/lb01 info bcm56xxd[3331]: 012c0015:6: Link: 1.1 is DOWN


Jun 9 08:35:53 local/lb01 err logger: 0112000f: Unable to get peers local time


Jun 9 08:35:54 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 01140029:5: HA daemon_heartbeat tmm1 fails action is go offline down links and restart.


Jun 9 08:35:54 local/lb01 notice sod[3369]: 010c003e:5: Offline









  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Is this the iRule?

    when SERVER_DATA {
    log local0. "_________________________________________"
    set jsessionidsrv [findstr [TCP::payload] "JSESSIONID=" 11 37]
    if ($analyse_server!=0) {
    log local0. "VALUE jsessionid SERVER: $jsessionidsrv !"
    if {$jsessionidsrv != ""}{
    log local0. "JESSIONID detected from server , creating persistence entry "
    log local0. "connection [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::local_port] to[IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port]"
    persist add uie $jsessionidsrv
    else {
    log local0. "JESSIONID is Not Present : this is NOT NORMAL"
    else {
    log local0. "connection [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::local_port] to [IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port]"
    when LB_FAILED {
    log local0. "________LB failed_____________"
    when PERSIST_DOWN {
    log local0. "________PERSIST DOWN_____________"
    set analyse_server 1
    when CLIENT_DATA {
    log local0. "_________________________________________"
    set jsessionid [findstr [TCP::payload] "JSESSIONID=" 11 37]
    log local0. "VALUE jsessionid CLIENT: $jsessionid !"
    if {$jsessionid != ""}{
    log local0. "JSESSIONID is present on the Client , persisting "
    log local0. "connection [IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]"
    persist uie $jsessionid
    set analyse_server 0
    else {
    set analyse_server 1
    log local0. "JSESSIONID is Not present"

    Do you have core files in /shared/core/? If so, has the NSE had someone check them to see if they provide a better explanation of the failure?

  • if there is tmm core files, please open a support ticket and provide them the cores, their md5 checksum and qkview.



    sol10062: Submitting core files for analysis to F5 Technical Support