Forum Discussion
iRule assistance
Dear community,
Could someone provide me with an example of an iRule that does the following:
I would like to have a single inbound VIP for API calls. These calls could go to one of 2 Pools depending on what is in the URI. How can I write an iRule that looks for a certain string in the URI and send the request to one pool or the other depending on what is in the URI?
Thank you.
- candcCirrus
At its simplest...
when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob -- [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/thing-a/*" { pool "apiPoolA" } "/thing-b/*" { pool "apiPoolB" } default { HTTP::respond 400 content "Unsupported URI" noserver } } }
i.e., in the HTTP_REQUEST event, read the URI, convert it to lower-case (for easier comparing) and compare it to one or more simple patterns.
If the URI starts with /thing-a/, forward to one specific backend pool; if it starts with /thing-b/, forward to another.
If the URI does not match either of those patterns, respond with a basic HTTP error message.
Note that, to the BIGIP, the term "URI" means "the path and querystring". If you actually want just the path, try [HTTP::path]; if you want the hostname, try [HTTP::host]; or if you want both, consider "[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]".
If you need the scheme (i.e. if it is HTTP or HTTPS), it can be a little trickier. Possibly [expr { [PROFILE::exists clientssl] ? "https" : "http" }].
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