Forum Discussion
iRule - Using GeoIP to block/allow externally, and allow internal subnets.
if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals allowed_internal_subnets] } {
log local0. "Internal Clients allowed: \ [IP::client_addr]"
pool MY_POOL
when FLOW_INIT {
set ipaddr [IP::client_addr]
set fromCountry [whereis $ipaddr country]
if {! [class match $fromCountry equals allowed_geoip_datagroup]}{
ltm data-group internal allowed_internal_subnets]{
records { { }
type ip
ltm data-group internal allowed_geoip_datagroup {
records {
EU { }
US { }
type string
Hi everyone!
Need some help here from all the smart people on this forum. We are trying to create an Irule to block
all countries not in the data group using the BigIP GeoIP database and lookup...however, we still have users within the internal subnets needing to connect. When they connect to the VIP, their source address is in the range, however, they get dropped by the FLOW_INT match for some reason....what am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?
Here is what it should happen....
- All external internet users coming from US/EU (using the bigip geoip lookup database) should be allowed, otherwise all countries not matching this should be dropped...this seems to be working..
- All internal users coming from the or RFC 1918 should be allowed and not dropped.
- How do I add both logic together in one flow?
This irule is dropping the internal users for some do we allow all internal users in also, while dropping external users not matching the GeoIP logic?
Thanks again...
This should work.
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals allowed_internal_subnets] } { log local0. "Internal Clients allowed: \ [IP::client_addr]" pool MY_POOL } } when FLOW_INIT { set ipaddr [IP::client_addr] set fromCountry [whereis $ipaddr country] if {! [class match $fromCountry equals allowed_geoip_datagroup] && ! [class match [IP::client_addr] equals allowed_internal_subnets]}{ drop } }
- ant77
when FLOW_INIT { set ipaddr [IP::client_addr] set fromCountry [whereis $ipaddr country] if {! [class match $fromCountry equals allowed_geoip_datagroup] && ! [class match [IP::client_addr] equals allowed_internal_subnets]}{ drop } }
Hi Niels,
Thanks for you reply...I was wondering if I can use use this event statement instead of the "CLIENT_ACCEPTED" because this will be
tied to multiple VIPs. We just want to allow the internal subnets, but not allow any external client's that does not meet where they are coming from, code (US and EU)... Would using just the FLOW_INIT work?
Yes, for restricting access, the FLOW_INIT event would be sufficient. The CLIENT_ACCEPT event in your case does something extra. It assigns a specific pool for internal users. So it's possible to create a general irule containing the FLOW_INIT event for use on multiple virtual servers and an extra iRule holding the CLIENT_ACCEPTED event for the virtual server that needs it.
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