Aug 05, 2011Nimbostratus
IPv4 nodes in pool for IPv6 Virtual Server
(Using an LTM running 10.2.0.)
I've just gotten IPv6 connectivity and started to add v6 configuration. Initially I created a new virtual server with an IPv6 address that corresponded to an existing IPv4 virtual server. I pointed it at the same pool, which contained only IPv4 nodes.
Source address on traffic to the IPv6 virtual server was the self IP of the BIGIP. This meant that my Apache config ACLs saw the traffic as "internal" and allowed requests without authentication.
It seems like a great feature that you can place v4 addresses in pools for v6 services and not have to add an internal v6 address to everything, but in my case it's very important that my access logs and ACLs work correctly. Is there any way to disallow IPv6-to-IPv4 translation in this manner?