Forum Discussion

Techgeeeg_28888's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2011

Internal VLAN Loadbalancing

Hi everyone i need a small suggestion for my network scenario let me explain it,



I have a LAN (Internal) network-




WAN (External) network- 212.x.y.z nated to (Virtual server IP address)




I have the users accessing web application from out side. The request comes to this virtual server IP and is load balanced to the three servers.




I have gud no. of users on the LAN accessing the same application and I want to do the load balancing for their request going to the server as well. What do I have to do as a best practice?




Shall I just create a virtual server having the same IP range as LAN i.e. 172.16.2.x and all the LAN users request should come to this IP Address or their is some other way to do it.








  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    You can do this a number of ways and setting up a couple of methods is a good way of testing if anything goes wrong. We've got a similar setup where we point internal LAN users to the public ip address, which will then be nated to the ltm and loadbalanced accordingly (like external users) and I've also got a test dns entry to point to the VIP too. This way if there are any issues I can quickly test all access points, public ip, VIP and direct to the three web servers.



  • Pointing internal LAN users to the public IP address will take the request out of the network to the internet and again bring it back to the users. Now the question is why should i send out the internal LAN users request to the outside world facing more latency and delay. Can you provide some document that you might have followed or can you share the configuration.





  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    You're right in what you say, our requests get bounced off the firewall back in. I was just explaining that this can be done and why we've got it setup like this. We don't experience any issues this way. If you'd rather not do this then a route to the existing VIP or a new VIP on the 172 lan would both work.


