Forum Discussion
May 04, 2012Instructing BigIP to expire RAM Cache when it receives a URL Query
Howdy Everyone.
I've an issue I've been working on.
I'm trying to develop a irule that will check the URI::query for an expire entry. If it finds one, it will instruct the system to do a CACHE...
May 04, 2012Who/what is appending the "?expire" string? If there is already a query string in the URI, it would be appended with an ampersand like author.html?page=4&expire. If you want to remove expire from the query string you could use string map:
if { [string tolower [HTTP::query]] ends_with "expire" } {
log "Request to expire [HTTP::path] received."
set expire_cache_trigger 1
Remove expire from the query string
HTTP::uri [string range [HTTP::uri] 0 end-7]
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