Forum Discussion

Ross_Fitheridge's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 13, 2007

increment pointer in array

I am trying to redirect to one of any hosts, to give some form of basic load balancing, like round robin, otherwise it goes to the default pool.



I guess I need an array and a pointer to increment each time the redirect gets executed, and I want it to go back to the top of the array once it has reached the bottom. What I have written to give you the gist is:



when RULE_INIT {


list of hosts to redirect to sequentially


set ibewebserver [ list \


"ww1" \


"ww2" \


"ww3" \









if { [findstr [HTTP::uri] "/" 1 "/"] equals "oldwebsite" } {


set $ibewebserver + 1


HTTP::redirect https://$[HTTP::uri]







Another problem I have with this iRule is matching case, the "oldwebsite" sometimes is in uppercase, mixed case, and I keep finding oddities.



It seems really simple and I feel ashamed to ask, but I'm not a programmer, and looking through the forum and references I have not seen anything quite like it. I know I am way off the trail, but you will make a novice very happy.




1 Reply

  • thanks Joe,


    I made it slightly to simple for you. My hostnames, are just random names. The uri, is actually what I am testing on. Not sure if its optimal but it works. I just need to think about how to deal with the remote hosts being off-line.



    when RULE_INIT {


    list of hosts to redirect to sequentially


    set ::HOSTNAME [list \


    pluto \


    saturn \




    set number of hosts as in list.


    set ::HOST_NUM [llength $::HOSTNAME]



    set number of hosts one less than in list, why? list index starts at zero.


    incr ::HOST_NUM -1


    initialize a global variable with index 0


    set ::REDIR_NUM 0




    when HTTP_REQUEST {



    Send to Content only available on Redbus direct to server





    if { [findstr [string tolower [HTTP::uri] ] "/acmeonline/de/" 15 "/"] equals "jobs.nsf" } {


    if global index is greater than hostnum, reset it to zero


    if { $::REDIR_NUM > $::HOST_NUM } {


    set ::REDIR_NUM 0




    HTTP::redirect https://[lindex $::HOSTNAME $::REDIR_NUM][HTTP::uri]


    increment the global index


    incr ::REDIR_NUM





    } elseif { [findstr [string tolower [HTTP::uri] ] "/acmeonline/" 12 "/"] equals "retroclaim.nsf" } {


    if global index is greater than hostnum, reset it to zero


    if { $::REDIR_NUM > $::HOST_NUM } {


    set ::REDIR_NUM 0




    HTTP::redirect https://[lindex $::HOSTNAME $::REDIR_NUM][HTTP::uri]


    increment the global index


    incr ::REDIR_NUM



    Send to the Proxy Cache virtual servers.


    } elseif { [HTTP::host] equals ""} {


    snat none


    pool Cache_Server_Pool


    ......some additonal conditions................


    If there is anything else left then send to default.



