Forum Discussion

daniel47's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2023

Implement WAF service

Hello! We have a server using LXC containers. It is possible to implement WAF service on our server?

  • Yes, You can use F5 WAF or Nginx App protect WAF to protect your server.  

    I beleive Nginx App protect WAF is best option here. Its like F5 WAF but light weight. Hope it will help you.

  • Yes, You can use F5 WAF or Nginx App protect WAF to protect your server.  

    I beleive Nginx App protect WAF is best option here. Its like F5 WAF but light weight. Hope it will help you.

  • Gajji's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Yes, it is possible to implement a WAF  service on a server using LXC containers