Forum Discussion

muntae_kim's avatar
Sep 19, 2022

iCall for working as if LLCF (4EA Interface)

hello? My name is Muntae. Using iCall, the following LLCF operation is required, so please review whether it is possible to operate according to the work method I wrote. ** When all interfaces are ...
  • JRahm's avatar
    Oct 04, 2022

    Ok, just to make sure this worked, I modified for my local vmware fusion environment (updated above to add the correct enabled/disabled keywords) and it works just fine.

    user_alert.conf as is on my system:

    alert interface_1_1_down "Link: 1.1 is DOWN" {
        exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event interface_manager context { { name action value disabled } { name interface value 1.1 } }"
    alert interface_1_3_down "Link: 1.3 is DOWN" {
        exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event interface_manager context { { name action value disabled } { name interface value 1.3 } }"
    alert interface_1_1_up "Link: 1.1 is UP" {
        exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event interface_manager context { { name action value enabled } { name interface value 1.1 } }"
    alert interface_1_3_up "Link: 1.3 is UP" {
        exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event interface_manager context { { name action value enabled } { name interface value 1.3 } }"

     bigip_script.conf appropriate objects as is on my system:

    sys icall script interface_manager {
        app-service none
        definition {
            foreach var { action interface } {
                set $var $EVENT::context($var)
            switch ${interface} {
                "1.1" {
                    tmsh::modify /net interface 1.3 ${action}
                "1.3" {
                    tmsh::modify /net interface 1.1 ${action}
        description none
        events none
    sys icall handler triggered interface_manager {
        script interface_manager
        subscriptions {
            interface_manager {
                event-name interface_manager