Ireda This would only require having your virtual server (VS) listening on the respective destination IP and port 8080. The reason this doesn't work for you when you apply an HTTP profile is because you are not performing SSL termination on the F5 and since the traffic is encrypted the F5 doesn't know what to do so the connection fails. The reason you are most likely receiving an "not secure" is because the servers that you are balancing to either don't have a trusted CA SSL certificate installed, an SSL certificate that doesn't match the name in your URL, or an expired SSL certificate installed. So as an example, if you have SSL certificate for * installed on the destination servers and you use in the URL, even though that points to the same destination IP your browser sees the missmatch and gives you that not secure error. You should be able to validate the SSL certificate that you are being provided by clicking the lock icon next to the URL in your browser or using the following curl command.
curl -Ivk "https://<url>"
Also, you do not have to configure an HTTP profile unless you are doing something to look at the HTTP header such as cookie persistence or attempting to balance based on host or uri. If you woud like to do that on the F5 just make sure you perform SSL termination on the F5 VS in question.