Forum Discussion

Mary_G_147416's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2017

http to https redirect irule with an exception

I'm tasked with changing a http redirect irule to add an exception, if the url includes a certain word "investor-relations", then do not redierct to https, for everything else, redirect to https.   ...
  • Jeff_Maddox_394's avatar
    Aug 04, 2017

    The "!" (not) operation needs to negate the statement "uri equals something". Put the statement in parentheses with the "!" outside as follows: { !([HTTP::uri] equals "/about-*****/investor-relations") }


    Also, try contains "investor-relations"




    matches_glob "/about-*/investor-relations"


    "equals" expects the literal "*" character