Forum Discussion
http to https cookie persistence
I have modified the iRule for our application timeout.
This logs information about the TCP connections on *both* sides of the full proxy
set client_remote "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]"
set client_local "[IP::local_addr clientside]:[TCP::local_port clientside]"
Log details for the request
log local0. "| REQ | $client_remote | $client_local | server_local | server_remote | [HTTP::cookie value ISASESSIONID] | [HTTP::uri]"
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "ISASESSIONID"] } {
persist uie [HTTP::cookie value "ISASESSIONID"]
set server_remote "[IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port]"
set server_local "[IP::local_addr serverside]:[TCP::local_port serverside]"
if { ![HTTP::cookie exists "ISASESSIONID"] } {
if { [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"] ne "" } {
set newCookie [HTTP::cookie value JSESSIONID]
HTTP::cookie insert name "ISASESSIONID" value $newCookie path /
persist add uie [HTTP::cookie value "ISASESSIONID"]
log local0. "| RES | $client_remote | $client_local | $server_local | $server_remote | [HTTP::cookie value ISASESSIONID]"
I use the original weblogin irule from devcentral for jsessionid but it dint work when maintaining persistence from http to https switch.
Actually I am new to iRule. If you can help me to optimise the above irule except the log entry will be great.
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