Forum Discussion

kgaigl's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Aug 14, 2019

http-profile on VS with non-standart-port

A question:


how can I activate a http-profile on a VS with another port than 80 or 443?


We've got an company-specific application with lots of VS on different ports, an I can only activate a http-profile on VS with ports 80 or 443.


In the future I've got to implement access-policies, and they work only with http-profile.


thanks for some help

  • Are you saying that the HTTP Profile setting is greyed-out and you cannot select a profile? I have VS on non-standard port numbers with HTTP profiles assigned no problem. Can you post the VS config from bigip.conf?

    • Nathan_F__F5_'s avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee

      I would agree with this. I can't think of any reason that you wouldn't be able to apply an HTTP profile to a virtual server unless the protocol setting had maybe been changed to something other than TCP. Seeing the virtual server configuration would definitely help.

  • kgaigl's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus


    no, the HTTP Profile Setting is not greyd out, but if I activate one of the Profiles, the VS doesn't work.

    ltm virtual WR3_Futura_40 {
        creation-time 2019-07-04:05:24:39
        ip-protocol tcp
        last-modified-time 2019-07-04:05:24:39
        persist {
            source_addr {
                default yes
        pool nvswr3ap_4840_Futura40
        profiles {
            tcp { }
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        translate-address enabled
        translate-port enabled
        vs-index 81