Forum Discussion

ghost-rider_124's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 07, 2015

How to increase the size of upload file size in ASM

Hello Experts


How to increase the upload file size in ASM? I am using 11.2.1


  • You can apply the following iRule to your virtual server: The "/upload" is in the path of the file you are uploading. Note that ASM is disable when uploading and malicious files could be uploaded in this particular location without detection...


    ++++++++++++++++ when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/upload" } { ASM::disable log local0. "ASM disabled." } else { ASM::enable /Common/ log local0. "ASM enabled. Current ASM policy is [ASM::policy]" } } +++++++++++++++++++


16 Replies

  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    You can apply the following iRule to your virtual server: The "/upload" is in the path of the file you are uploading. Note that ASM is disable when uploading and malicious files could be uploaded in this particular location without detection...


    ++++++++++++++++ when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/upload" } { ASM::disable log local0. "ASM disabled." } else { ASM::enable /Common/ log local0. "ASM enabled. Current ASM policy is [ASM::policy]" } } +++++++++++++++++++


    • ghost-rider_124's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      hello Pascal. Thanks. But we are disabling the ASM altogether. There is no way we can restrict the size of upload file for only one policy?
    • ghost-rider_124's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you but it will be for global level. If I would like to set the upload limit size only for one ASM policy. How could I do that?
    • Torti_93733's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      try it with the post data length of file types and the maximum length of the parameter
  • via system variable "long_request_buffer_size" untill 20MB


    • ghost-rider_124's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you but it will be for global level. If I would like to set the upload limit size only for one ASM policy. How could I do that?
    • Torti's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      try it with the post data length of file types and the maximum length of the parameter
  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    All solutions I have seen so far will either increase the upload limit globally, or disable ASM for a specific URI as shown in the irule. The iRule can be enhanced to do other checks, like only disabling ASM for some trusted IP addresses,..etc.


    • ghost-rider_124's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks Pascal. Can you give me that IRULE to disable ASM for trusted IP. Appreciated
  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    +++ Following is A simple iRule that will disable ASM for a subset of IP addresses++++ +++ You need to create a data group that contains the list of allowed IP addresses++++


    ltm rule /Common/disable-asm-for-ip {

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    if {( [class match [IP::client_addr] equals my-IP-list-data-group] ) } {

    log local0. "ASM disabled for [IP::client_addr]."

    else { ASM::enable "/Common/jt-vs"

    log local0. "ASM enabled. Current ASM policy is [ASM::policy]"





    ++++Sample data group with a list of IP addresses++++

    ltm data-group internal /Common/my-IP-list-data-group {

    records { { } { } { }
    type ip


  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Above irule will once again disable ASM altogether for a give IP. if you know the URI for file upload (Depending on the application), you can combine the first and second iRule with (AND), that would be more effective and more secure. The users with certain IPs will have ASM disabled only when they are trying to upload...