Forum Discussion
Dec 07, 2011Altostratus
how to gather how many IPs hit the url and how many times
Hi,dear irule
I meet a new requirement recently
there is an URL:
I wanna gather the stats :
how many IPs hit this url: such as , ;;
how many times per each ip hit this as 10 times 200times 1times
how to achieve this
thanks very much
- Robert_47833Altostratusthe period may be one month ,it is only the current stats,I need a long term stats
- nitassEmployeehave you seen table command article by Spark? there are good counting examples there.
- Robert_47833Altostratushmm,I am not sure whether table command will reslove this
- Robert_47833Altostratusgive u show me an simple example
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Jucao,
- Robert_47833Altostratuscan we use STATS profile to achieve this?
- Robert_47833Altostratusor table command to achieve this?
- HamishCirrocumulusYes. You can use the tables. But be aware that although the tables are good, keeping stats in there for a month is probably overkill. And you don't need to.
- HamishCirrocumulusI'll try & expand on that in a while... Sorry...
- nitassEmployeethis is counted for 60 seconds. please feel free to revise.
[root@ve1023:Active] config b virtual bar list virtual bar { snat automap pool foo destination ip protocol 6 rules myrule profiles { http {} tcp {} } } [root@ve1023:Active] config b rule myrule list rule myrule { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { table set -subtable "iplist" [IP::client_addr] "ignored" set reqno [table incr "reqs:[IP::client_addr]"] table set -subtable "reqrate:[IP::client_addr]" $reqno "ignored" indefinite 60 } when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/stats"} { set stats "ip,request number\n" foreach ip [table keys -subtable "iplist"] { append stats "$ip,[table keys -count -subtable "reqrate:$ip"]\n" } HTTP::respond 200 Content $stats } } } [root@ve1023:Active] config curl -i HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: BigIP Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 67 ip,request number,12,5,2
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