Forum Discussion

msaud's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jan 02, 2024

How to find recent changes to the configuration

Hi Team,

Happy New Year!

Can someone please help me on "How to find recent changes to the configuration"

I did run below commands but didn't get any output. I  have F5 LTM device 5600i

cat /var/log/audit | sed -n -e '/2024-Jan-02 14:35:01/,$p'




  • File '/var/log/audit' always show the latest audit file. instate of 'sed', you can use grep comamnd something like  grep '14:35' /var/log/audit

    There are many other methods to search pattern but i prefer i.e grep, less, etc.


    • msaud's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Can you please help to put the full CLI Command?

  • Hi Msaud,

    You can try following command in BASH mode

    grep ^Jan.02.* /var/log/audit


    for more such logs you can use following fprmat

    From Bash shell:

    cat /var/log/audit | grep "name_of_vs"

    cat /var/log/audit.1 | grep "name_of_vs"

    zcat /var/log/audit.*.gz | grep "name_of_vs"


    From GUI:

    Sytem -> Logs --> Audit --> search with VS name (date/time range can also be provided)

    Hope this helps





  • Hope i dont unlease the kracken


    /config/.diffVersions/config/     <---contains folders for modules.

    /config/.diffVersions/config/bigip.conf    <---ltm

    /config/.diffVersions/config/bigip_gtm.conf   <----gtm

    ll -t        long listing by date

    less   XXXXX.patch