Jul 04, 2012Nimbostratus
How to find a Virtual server by ip+port
Hi everybody,
I'm looking for a Icontrol cmdlet or a tips for search if my @ip+port is already used by a Virtual server.
Right now I use a combo of 2 functions but it's not efficient at all (8 to 10 min):
for ($i=0 ; $i -lt $list_virtual_server.length; $i++)
if (($virtual_server_address -eq $ServerAddress) -and ($virtual_server_port -eq $ServerPort))
return $exist_address
return $exist_address
I know it's possible to be more efficient because the web interface provide this in 3-4 seconds in "Local Traffic" > "Network Map" > "Search"
Any help ? :)
Ps: Sorry for my english