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Diga_171140's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2015

How to create server in GTM under LTM via CLI ?

How to create server in GTM under LTM via CLI ?


  • I assume you mean inside TMSH shell as the "LTM via CLI"? If so then here is what I would do:

    1) Make sure you create a Datacenter object first

    create gtm datacenter /Common/ { }

    2) creating a redundant LTM server object

    create gtm server /Common/ { addresses {  { device-name "" }  { device-name "" } } datacenter /Common/ monitor /Common/bigip  product redundant-bigip }
    • Diga_171140's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      If you login to GTM Global Traffic Server ( Multiple Datacenter’s are created ( Product BIG-IP System (Redundant) ) Under this Datacenter We create New Virtual Server Via GUI. I would like to know How to create Virtual server in Server Data Center under GTM via CLI ( Command Line ) ?
    • Max_Q_factor's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      how I typically figure out what the TMSH commands that are needed for a configuration is, I create the object in the GUI exactly how I want the object to appear, and in TMSH I save the config using the one-line option `save sys config one-line file ` and find the object I created in the text file that was saved in `/var/local/scf/` . I know this does not answer your question directly but I think you will be able to find a lot more useful options that way. There is also another way to load objects into TMSH. I would again create an object in the GUI, then in TMSH I would list it (i.e. `list gtm server `, copy the output from the list, edit the output and then perform a `load sys config merge from-terminal` and paste the new object into the terminal followed by a control-d to complete the merge and the new object should be in the configuration.
  • sorry to say bt it didnt help actually in GTM under the server there is server is created which product type is BIG-IP System (Redundant) and under this server we normally create virtual server , that I would like to know via command line


  • Here is how I would create a virtual server that uses translation after I created a Data center, and a GTM server

    modify gtm server  virtual-servers add {  { destination : translation-address  translation-port  } } }
  • Thanks for your response and it was very helpful. below command parameter worked for me. modify gtm server < Server Name > virtual-servers add { : { name < VS_Name > } }


  • modify gtm server < Server Name > virtual-servers add { : { name < VS_Name > } }


  • modify gtm server < Server Name > virtual-servers add { : { name < VS_Name > } }


    in GTM running with version BIG-IP 11.5.1 Build 8.0.175 Hotfix HF8 above command is not working.


    giving an error at name option.


    Please help. I have tried with ltm-name option but it didnt worked and it gave me error at : it is taking as name. how to specify IP and port.


  • modify gtm server < Server Name > virtual-servers add { ipv4:port { name < VS_Name > } }


    in GTM running with version BIG-IP 11.5.1 Build 8.0.175 Hotfix HF8 above command is not working.


    giving an error at name option.


    Please help. I have tried with ltm-name option but it didnt worked and it gave me error at ipv4:port it is taking as name. how to specify IP and port.


    • John_Luu's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Please try

      modify gtm server <server_name> virtual-servers add {<virtual servername>  {destination<IP_address>:http monitor bigip}}
