Forum Discussion
Mar 28, 2012Nimbostratus
The objective to convert the following tcl script by using Java iControl:
profile clientssl ${CreateClientSslProfile.ProfileName} {
defaults from clientssl
key "${CreateClientSslProfile.SslKeyFile}"
cert "${CreateClientSslProfile.SslCertFile}"
chain "${CreateClientSslProfile.SslChainFile}"
passphrase "${CreateClientSslProfile.SslPassPhrase}"
The issue is when to set the passphrase. Do you set the passphrase before or after the call - i_interfaces.getLocalLBProfileClientSSL().create(profile_names, keys, certs)?
I tried call i_interfaces.getLocalLBProfileClientSSL().create(profile_names, keys, certs), but i am getting "PEM routines:PEM_do_header:bad password read" error.
I also tried to set the passphrase first before calling i_interfaces.getLocalLBProfileClientSSL().create(profile_names, keys, certs), but i got profile does not exist error.