Forum Discussion
How to create GTM topology region members with iControl REST API?
We are trying to use REST iControl API in order to create a GTM topology Region
The JSON structure seems to be (Obtained from a get request):
'fullPath': '/Common/region_sample',
'kind': 'tm:gtm:region:regionstate',
'name': 'region_sample',
'partition': 'Common',
'regionMembers': [{'name': 'not country FR'}]
however, when posting the request, we got:
POST https://X.X.X.X/mgmt/tm/gtm/region/?ver=12.1.2 {}
-- result --
{u'apiError': 26214401,
u'code': 400,
u'errorStack': [],
u'message': u'Invalid region type: "not country FR"'}
We tried with an empty regionMembers array parameters, it works.
However, we didn't find the way to create the regionMembers (We also tried actions PUT and PATCH on /mgmt/tm/gtm/region/~Common~region_sample/region-members
REST Documentation is poor on the subject.
Have someone successfully created them with REST?
thanks, JSC- JSCNimbostratus
Only solution find, use "tmsh" command within a REST post:
if regionMembers != '': payload={} payload['command']='run' payload['utilCmdArgs']="-c 'tmsh modify gtm region /"+rPartition+"/"+rName+" region-members replace-all-with { "+regionMembers+" } && if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then echo OK ; else echo KO ; fi' | jq ." resp ='https://%s/mgmt/tm/util/bash?ver=12.1.2' % (BIGIP_ADDRESS), data=json.dumps(payload)) if resp.status_code == and resp.json()['commandResult'].replace('\n','') == 'OK': print ' ~ Replace region_members = \''+str(resp.status_code)+'\' commandResult=\''+resp.json()['commandResult'].replace('\n','')+'\'' else: print ' ~ Replace region_members = \''+str(resp.status_code)+'\' commandResult=\''+resp.json()['commandResult']+'\'' pprint(resp.json()) exit(1)
- xukaiNimbostratus
i meet same error
[root@localhost:Active:Standalone] ~ # curl -sk -u admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/gtm/region -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"name":"anhui_region_test","regionMembers":[{"name": "not country CN"}]}' | jq .
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid region type: \"not country CN\"",
"errorStack": [],
"apiError": 26214401
}how can i do
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