Forum Discussion
How to correctly monitor a Database Oracle
we are configuring a monitor health for a Oracle database which has the next configuration parameters:
Send String: select * from dual Response: X user:CONSULTA_ANALISTA password:xxxxxxx connection string:
Row:3 Column:1 alias address: alias service port:1527
the monitor doesn't work and the pool member never is seen up, i have looked at the debug of the connection and this is what i see in a portion of it: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors tail -30 Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %node_ip%)(PORT = %node_port%)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=3 RECV_I=X SEND=select * from dual
TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ORACLE__Common_BD_monitor_PDN_::ffff:172.20. PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches EXCEPTION connecting to DBDaemon: fflush(): Connection reset by peer
i have also tried putting all the info directly like this:
********** Debugging session beginning at: Mon Jul 6 17:07:02 2015
Arguments 1-2: ::ffff: 1527
Environment variables: COUNT=0 DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1527)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=1 RECV_I=ok SEND=TNSPING 1527
TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches Asking daemon to ping remote database. Expected result not received: Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details.
Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details.
If i look into /var/log/DBDaemon.log; it isn't updating. It seems that somehow the process is attached to other monitor over port 1521 an maybe that is the origin of the conflicto and fail of Oracle monitoring: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors ps -fe|grep DB root 19578 1 0 Jun16 ? Ssl 43:33 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjd k.x86_64/bin/java -cp /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib/ jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/share/monitors/mysql-connecto r-java.jar:/usr/share/monitors/DB_monitor.jar:/usr/share/monitors/sqljdbc4.jar:/ usr/share/monitors/ojdbc6.jar:/usr/share/monitors/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar - Xmx64m com.f5.eav.DBDaemon 1521 19578 0
- Samir_Jha_52506
Can u please try this..
gtm monitor oracle /Common/monitor_oracle_test { count 1 database (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=%node_ip%)(PORT=%node_port%))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=PQR_ONLINE_XYZ))(SERVER=dedicated)) debug no defaults-from /Common/oracle description destination *:* interval 30 password xxxxx probe-timeout 30 recv PRIMARY recv-column 1 recv-row 1 send "SELECT database_role FROM database_name" timeout 91 username CHECK_DB_ROLE_YES }
- Jorge_Herran_14
amir thanks for your response i will try your solution and let you know in a couple of hours
- Jorge_Herran_14
I did a new test modifying the connection as you suggested and now this is waht i get:
2015-07-10 11:30:28.737: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp(H OST= d))(Thread-328123): DB DriverManager.getConnection failed: "NL Exception was gen erated" java.sql.SQLException: NL Exception was generated at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon( at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.( 531) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.( at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(T4CDriverExtensio at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at com.f5.eav.DB_Pinger.db_Connect( at com.f5.eav.DB_Pinger.db_Ping( at at Caused by: NL Exception was generated at a:614) at ava:411) at at at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.connect( at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon( ... 10 more
Any ideas where should i look for the problema or what can i do?
- Jorge_Herran_14
After trying different option i made it, this is how i did it:
The server doesn't recognice or have configured correctly the SERVICE_NAME.
- Giant_K_333645
Hi, Jorge. I am facing the same issue even with your string. (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=%node_ip%)(PORT=%node_port%)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=PRODM1)(SERVER=DEDICATED))).
I am suspecting that, 1. We have three VIP for Oracle Servers and It's causing the disruption with conflict. 2. Firewall Port for 1521 is not Open, Do we need to Open Daemon Port 1521 for the Communication? Because, we have everything setup at 1590 and I see both 1521 and 1590 Ports for traffic.
Please suggest me something. I need to Resolve this issue in 1 week before we go live..
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