Forum Discussion
How do I deploy multiple virtual servers/pools/nodes at once
Application delivery configuration is not an easy task, as your 150 services will likely vary one from another and use different combination of profiles and other configurations from the very very many available in BIGIP.
If you can gather all information first, deployment can be made more agile.
If you're confident with TMSH syntax, there's a python script available here that might turn useful:
you can adjust it to transform a .CSS file where you put all the Virtual Server information into TMSH commands ( I would personally modify that bigip.ltm.virtuals.virtual.create line into proper tmsh syntax ).
This way you will have lines that can be just pasted into TMSH shell for rapid deployment.
The script might turn useful in creating pools and other custom configuration objects as well.
For bulk SSL files import, check K15021 (BIGIP version earlier than v14) or K57492533 (v14 +)
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