Forum Discussion

Vijith_182946's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 27, 2016

Hot fix upgrade

We are running 11.5.1 BIG-IP and thinking of applying hot fixes. We have multiple guests for multiple entities. My main concern is that if I apply hot fix of 12.x will i see any change is features? like i read somewhere that the event logs will not be stored locally any more in 12.x (i am not able to recollect exactly so no sure if this is correct). Any idea to find out the detailed comparative charts/figures to clearly identify what is gonna change in 12.x? I am bit concerned about how I will go ahead whether to update to 12.x or continue updating 11.6.x ?


  • Hi,


    There is definetly some changes. You can see changes in the release note of the 12.x.


    There is a section named Change behavior.


    12.x is a major release for you. Applying the 11.5.4 HFx provide just fix, no additional features


  • Hi,


    There is definetly some changes. You can see changes in the release note of the 12.x.


    There is a section named Change behavior.


    12.x is a major release for you. Applying the 11.5.4 HFx provide just fix, no additional features


  • Hi,


    There is definetly some changes. You can see changes in the release note of the 12.x.


    There is a section named Change behavior.


    12.x is a major release for you. Applying the 11.5.4 HFx provide just fix, no additional features