Forum Discussion

Edouard's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 06, 2020

are Hot Fixes still available for installation ?

When I upgraded before I had the option to download the image and its HF. Now I am not able to see its HF.


Please let me know if HF's are discontinued.




  • Yes it is included in the image. F5 have changed how they manage hotfixes now. First they are not called hotfixes anymore. Instead it is referred as ‘Point Releases’, which is forth number in the version number. So in, number 6 is referred to point release/hotfix. So you no longer need to install a primary ISO and a separate Hot-Fix ISO. All you need is to have image of target version thats it.



  • Which software version of F5 hotfix you are searching? ​

  • Yes it is included in the image. F5 have changed how they manage hotfixes now. First they are not called hotfixes anymore. Instead it is referred as ‘Point Releases’, which is forth number in the version number. So in, number 6 is referred to point release/hotfix. So you no longer need to install a primary ISO and a separate Hot-Fix ISO. All you need is to have image of target version thats it.

