Forum Discussion

EIT_Network's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Feb 13, 2019

Historical Logs



What is the TMSH command to check and verify the Specific Pool , Specific LTM and Specific GTM historical logs i.e. Since when they UP, Last time when got down , Any error or Warning (If any).


and to check the Hits logs from specific sources or client IP to node & pool member with time and connection status.




  • Snl's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Refer below

    cat /var/log/ltm | grep nodeip
    cat /var/log/ltm | grep poolname
    zcat ltm.1.gz | grep input, input may be nodeip, vipip, pool name etc or
    zcat ltm.*.gz | grep input, input may be nodeip, vipip, pool name etc or
    If you are using gtm use gtm instead of ltm in above commands

    A better way to verify log is CLI or move logs to log server eg: Splunk,qradar or other SIEM solutions etc..
