Forum Discussion

frankcheong_304's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 02, 2013

High Packet Drop and connection failure

Have a pair of LTM 1600 (named LTM1 & LTM2) and a pair of cisco2960 (2960-1 2960-2) whereby the detailed connection are as below:-



LTM1 internal-trunk = interface 1.3 + 1.4


LTM1 internal-trunk (LACP Enabled, LACP Mode=Active, LACP Timeout = Long, Link Selection Policy = Auto, Frame Distribution Hash=Src/Dst IP)


LTM1 fibre = interface 2.1 + 2.2


LTM1 VLAN External (Tag=10, Untagged Interface=1.1)


LTM1 VLAN Internal (Tag=4093, Untagged Interface=internal-trunk)


LTM1 VLAN pri-failover (tag=4092, Untagged Interface=Fibre)



LTM1 interface 1.1 -> uplink cisco


LTM1 internal-trunk -> 2960-1 port channel 3


LTM1 Fibre -> LTM2 Fibre


LTM2 with exactly the same configuration



2960-1 port channel 5 -> 2960-2 port channel 5


Please find below show run cutting relevant information :-


2960-1show run


Building configuration...



Current configuration : 6188 bytes




version 12.2



hostname 2960-1


no ip source-route




no ip domain-lookup


vtp domain f5-private


vtp mode transparent






spanning-tree mode pvst


spanning-tree extend system-id




port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip




vlan internal allocation policy ascending




vlan 4093


name f5-private-vlan








interface Port-channel3


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access


no keepalive


flowcontrol receive desired




interface Port-channel5


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access




interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access


no keepalive


flowcontrol receive desired


no cdp enable


no cdp tlv server-location


no cdp tlv app


spanning-tree portfast disable


channel-group 3 mode active




interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access


no keepalive


flowcontrol receive desired


no cdp enable


no cdp tlv server-location


no cdp tlv app


spanning-tree portfast disable


channel-group 3 mode active




interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access


spanning-tree portfast disable


channel-group 5 mode desirable non-silent




interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4


switchport access vlan 4093


switchport mode access


spanning-tree portfast disable


channel-group 5 mode desirable non-silent




interface Vlan1


no ip address






interface Vlan4093


ip address




ip sla enable reaction-alerts


no cdp run








2960-2 with exactly the same configuration. The detailed situation is that it seems to have high connection failure rate from external subnet to virtual server. I have done a flood ping from 2960-1 to LTM1 without problem vice versa, but I have observed that there are around 10% packet drop when I tried to ping from LTM1 to LTM2 using either internal IP or external IP. Have reached the same result (10% packet drop) when I tried to ping from any host sitting in the internal subnet of LTM to LTM1/LTM2 using either internal or external IP. But I can reach 0 packet drop when I ping from host to 2960-1/2960-2 or vice versa. Is this caused by mis-configuration? How can I troubleshoot this?