Forum Discussion
High Packet Drop and connection failure
Have a pair of LTM 1600 (named LTM1 & LTM2) and a pair of cisco2960 (2960-1 2960-2) whereby the detailed connection are as below:-
LTM1 internal-trunk = interface 1.3 + 1.4
LTM1 internal-trunk (LACP Enabled, LACP Mode=Active, LACP Timeout = Long, Link Selection Policy = Auto, Frame Distribution Hash=Src/Dst IP)
LTM1 fibre = interface 2.1 + 2.2
LTM1 VLAN External (Tag=10, Untagged Interface=1.1)
LTM1 VLAN Internal (Tag=4093, Untagged Interface=internal-trunk)
LTM1 VLAN pri-failover (tag=4092, Untagged Interface=Fibre)
LTM1 interface 1.1 -> uplink cisco
LTM1 internal-trunk -> 2960-1 port channel 3
LTM1 Fibre -> LTM2 Fibre
LTM2 with exactly the same configuration
2960-1 port channel 5 -> 2960-2 port channel 5
Please find below show run cutting relevant information :-
2960-1show run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 6188 bytes
version 12.2
hostname 2960-1
no ip source-route
no ip domain-lookup
vtp domain f5-private
vtp mode transparent
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
vlan 4093
name f5-private-vlan
interface Port-channel3
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
no keepalive
flowcontrol receive desired
interface Port-channel5
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
no keepalive
flowcontrol receive desired
no cdp enable
no cdp tlv server-location
no cdp tlv app
spanning-tree portfast disable
channel-group 3 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
no keepalive
flowcontrol receive desired
no cdp enable
no cdp tlv server-location
no cdp tlv app
spanning-tree portfast disable
channel-group 3 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast disable
channel-group 5 mode desirable non-silent
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
switchport access vlan 4093
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast disable
channel-group 5 mode desirable non-silent
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan4093
ip address
ip sla enable reaction-alerts
no cdp run
2960-2 with exactly the same configuration. The detailed situation is that it seems to have high connection failure rate from external subnet to virtual server. I have done a flood ping from 2960-1 to LTM1 without problem vice versa, but I have observed that there are around 10% packet drop when I tried to ping from LTM1 to LTM2 using either internal IP or external IP. Have reached the same result (10% packet drop) when I tried to ping from any host sitting in the internal subnet of LTM to LTM1/LTM2 using either internal or external IP. But I can reach 0 packet drop when I ping from host to 2960-1/2960-2 or vice versa. Is this caused by mis-configuration? How can I troubleshoot this?
- nitassEmployeedo you know whether it affects application traffic (i.e. client to virtual server)? if yes, have you captured packet when problem is happening?
- frankcheong_304NimbostratusYes, it is affecting traffic whereby there are some connection going from external Host to the Virtual Server failed. Have captured the traffic and am analyzing the traffic now. But the traffic volume is huge and it is really quite difficult and takes much time. Therefore, I would like to start from the basic which is to first ensure the cisco switch as well as the LTM configuration is right.
- marco_octavian_NimbostratusThe 2910-1 to LTM tests pretty much verifies the hardware/cabling is good. Let's dig deeper for an app or utiliization issue.
- frankcheong_304NimbostratusThx Macro for your quick reply. I also think the the direct ping between LTM and 2960 shows that the network cable is good at least and there are some other issues with that. Lets see my answer below:-
- frankcheong_304NimbostratusThx Macro for your quick reply. I also think the the direct ping between LTM and 2960 shows that the network cable is good at least and there are some other issues with that. Lets see my answer below:-
- marco_octavian_Nimbostratus4) Take a capture and put it into wireshark. filter for all broadcast and multicast. From there we can get an idea of any harmful drops. Bursty traffic could overflow the buffers but you stated earlier that direct pings were fine. Did you do extended pings as well with a larger payload?
- frankcheong_304Nimbostratus4. I have do a flood ping with results below:-
- nitassEmployeesince smtp connection is affected, i think it may be easier to investigate it (e.g. tcpdump on bigip and see if packet arrives at bigip or whether packet is dropped by bigip).
- marco_octavian_NimbostratusSee notes inband and below"
- frankcheong_304Nimbostratus
LTM-1 <> LTM-2 Fibre link directly attached without going over any SAN switch.
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