Forum Discussion
Apr 04, 2011Nimbostratus
Help with cross-vip persistence, one ssl vip and wildcard pool
I've been trying to get this iRule to work and have followed many other (much older examples) in this forum and some blog posts: Basically, we have 4 VIP's: 1. Port 443 with ssl client profile (...
Apr 05, 2011Nimbostratus
Yes. You are correct the first goal is source address persistence and the other goal is to do port mapping for two ports and send traffic to a single node for all ports defined across the 4 VIPs. When I first dove into this everything I found said if you want to do port mapping and persistence across virtuals to a single node in a pool you have to use an irule (granted it was a very old post). I've since found a video post from Deb and Colin that described what seems to be a much simpler solution. Disable port translation for the virtuals that don't need port mapping, and add nodes to the pool with the translated port, then attach a custom persistence profile to match across virtuals. I've tried this before with a combination of an irule and the seperate persistence profile but that did not work. Once I watched the video (just found it about 40 mins ago) I learned something new and wonderful; you don't have to send traffic to the pool member on the port configured in the pool. If you disable port translation on the virtual, then the LTM will forward what ever port you requested down to the server even if it's not what you setup in the pool. I never realized it did that, I thought that check box was really only useful when you had wildcard pools.
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