Forum Discussion

waterfall_10467's avatar
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Jul 19, 2012

Help for when_http_response




when HTTP_REQUEST timing on priority 100 {


Check the requested path with wildcard matching


switch -glob [HTTP::path] {


"/appmania*" {


log local0. "HOST [HTTP::host] PATH [HTTP::path]"


pool HTTP_appmania




"/floo*" {


log local0. "HOST [HTTP::host] PATH [HTTP::path]"


pool HTTP_floo






switch [string tolower [IP::client_addr]] {


"" {


log local0. "1 [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "




"" {


log local0. "1 [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "




"" {


log local0. "1 [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "




"" {


log local0. "1 [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "




"" {


log local0. "1 [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "








pool HTTP_active






log local0. "HOST [HTTP::host] PATH [HTTP::path]"


log local0. " [HTTP::uri] [IP::client_addr] "


pool HTTP_active






I need your help about the above irule. we want to produce log the "/HARDWARE*" { responses on the f5. Could you help us ?


Thank you in advance.





  • we want to produce log the "/HARDWARE*" { responses on the f5. what information would you like to log in response?
  • we want to produce log the "/HARDWARE*" { responses on the f5. what information would you like to log in response?
  • A few comments:



    You can remove the 'string tolower' command on the client IP address as IPv4 addresses don't have alpha characters.



    You could add the IP addresses to a data group and then use the class command to look up the client IP against the data group. This should be simpler and more efficient than using the a switch statement to do a string comparison of the IP addresses.



  • Hello All,



    Thank you for your quick reply.Actually. this irule is longer but I have cut a part of it relevant to us.And I have to run it right away .That's why I can consider the data group for later. Nitass , after client's request I need to collect all responses of servers. Because we want to observe if client connect to server successfully.However, since the irule will consist heavy load on the f5. I want to this only for a project to troubleshoot. when the project finished. I will send all the logs to syslog sever.and this topic really very urgent for us.



    thank you for your helps
  • is this codeshare applicable?

    HTTP Payload Collection by Deb


    [root@ve10:Active] config  b virtual bar list
    virtual bar {
       snat automap
       ip protocol 6
       rules myrule
       profiles {
          http {}
          tcp {}
    [root@ve10:Active] config  b rule myrule list
    rule myrule {
       when HTTP_REQUEST {
       set flag 0
       set path [HTTP::path]
       switch -glob $path {
          "/HARDWARE*" {
             set flag 1
             set collected 0
             if { [HTTP::version] eq "1.1" } {
                if { [HTTP::header is_keepalive] } {
                   HTTP::header replace "Connection" "Keep-Alive"
                HTTP::version "1.0"
             pool HTTP_active
          default {
              do someting
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
       if {$flag == 0} { return }
       if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } {
          set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
       } else {
          set content_length 0
       if { $content_length > 0 && $content_length < 1048577 } {
          set collect_length $content_length
       } else {
          set collect_length 1048576
       if { $collect_length > 0 } {
          HTTP::collect $collect_length
       log local0. "client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] | server [IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port] | path $path | payload [HTTP::payload]"
       set collected [expr {$collected + $collect_length}]
       set remaining [expr {$content_length - $collected}]
       if { $remaining > 0 } {
          if { $remaining < $collect_length } {
             set collect_length $remaining
          HTTP::collect $collect_length
    [root@ve10:Active] config  tail -f /var/log/ltm
    Jul 20 21:02:20 local/tmm info tmm[5111]: Rule myrule : client | server | path /HARDWARE/test.html | payload hello world
  • Hello Nitass,


    Actually as I mentioned before we want to see all responses relevant to the http reguests .If I edit the irule like yours, I guess I won't need the ip address ? right. as you know I need logs of the ip address. Because using virtual server is running for other traffic.I guess I have explained wrong this. sorry. normally if client ip addresses like above and if those have include the HARDWARE*" at this point we want to see all requests and all responses of the requests.



    Thank you in advance.





  • actually, i just want to show http response payload is collected. "hello world" string is the response. it is a content of test.html.



    i did not use your irule as a base since i thought you are interested only how to collect response part.



    anyway, i think the HTTP Payload Collection codeshare by Deb is what you are looking for.