Forum Discussion
Help cleaning up IRule redirect with URI rewrite.
So, right up front, I'm an old router guy, so scripting is not my forte. The request is to have requests that come into a VIP be redirected to another URL, change the URI, but maintain all the query information that follows... so, built a datagroup because since these are going to become more common, but this leads to a problem.
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Cameron,
So, from the original uri /abc?xxxxxxx I want to remove just /abc and replace it with The problem that I'm running into is getting a way to match just the /abc from the original call.
I've put some comments in below to show what I'm trying to do so that you guys can tell the right way to do it.
- Michael_YatesNimbostratusIt looks to me like you are trying to capture the HTTP::query and then verify the HTTP::path ends with your Data Group Value.
- Michael, that is exactly what I needed. Thanks very much.
- PeterC_70986NimbostratusHi cdougall, so what did you end up writing for your irule? I am trying to do this same thing. redirect to
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