Forum Discussion
GTM Hiararchy of Options Flow Chart
Here is my configuration :
ltm virtual /Common/Listener-50 {
destination /Common/
ip-protocol udp
pool /Common/kabe_dns_pool
profiles {
/Common/kabe_dns { }
/Common/udp_gtm_dns { }
source-address-translation {
type automap
translate-address enabled
translate-port disabled
ltm pool /Common/kabe_dns_pool {
members {
/Common/ {
monitor /Common/gateway_icmp
ltm profile dns /Common/kabe_dns {
app-service none
cache /Common/kabe_dns_resolver
defaults-from /Common/dns
enable-cache yes
enable-dns-express no
ltm dns cache resolver /Common/kabe_dns_resolver {
root-hints { }
route-domain /Common/0
Suppose that a request arrives at a GTM Listener and that the request doesn't match a wideIP. Suppose also that the cache is currently empty.
How the GTM will handel this requet :
-load balance it to the pool "kabe_dns_pool" ?
-the resolver cache "kabe_dns_resolver" will resolve the request ?
According to the flow chart below (found in the F5 GTM training book) and my understanding of it, the request should be load balanced. Here is why :
Name is a Wide-IP => No
Name in a DNS Express Zone => No
Name in DNS Cache => No, since the cache is empty
Listener Has a Pool => YES!
However, in my lab I notice that the pool is ignored and the Cache Resolver handels the request.
Many thanks,
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