Forum Discussion
get virtual list based on vip/destination filter [request params]?
Hi folks and python developers, I am looking for a solution to a question. Currently I am using python sdk to get the list of the virtuals with filter option as partition and destination/vip? I have tried following things and unable to achieve that:
virtuals ={
'params': 'expandSubcollections=true&$filter=partition+eq+partition&$destination+eq+vip')}
What I am trying to do is for a given device , partition, vip I want to get the list of the virtuals. s there a way to wild card for destination?
articles i referred are:
- PeteWhite
I'm confused why your filter ends with $destination+eq+vip
Take a look at for the odata syntax
Your string handling is also not correct
My thinking is that from a Python perspective you want:
partition = "myPartition" destination="" virtuals ={ 'params': 'expandSubcollections=true&$filter=partition+eq+' + partition + 'and+destination+eq+' + vip)}
A good way to test this is to create the filter string and then insert it into the command, so you can print it out first
partition = "myPartition" destination="" filterString = 'expandSubcollections=true&$filter=partition+eq+' + partition + 'and+destination+eq+' + vip print("filterString:" + filterString) virtuals ={ 'params': filterString)}
You can also use my iCR python module for a simple script
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