Forum Discussion
Get value from HTTP POST request body
Hi all,
I can retrieve the value of the JSON boby for HTTP POST request.
This is the call to F5: curl --insecure -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Content-Length: 92" -X POST -d '{ \"username\" : \"abc\", \"password\" : \"def\"}'
My iRule code is:
Keeping request lenght to collect the payload for POST JSON request parameters
if {[HTTP::method] equals "POST"} {
set content_length 0
if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } {
if { [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] > 1048000 }{
if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId| Content-Length over 1Mb so discard the request\n"}
HTTP::respond 403
} else {
set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId| post request Content-Length is $content_length\n"}
} else {
if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId| Content-Length HEADER does not exist: discarding the request\n"}
HTTP::respond 403
Collecting the http request byte
if { $content_length > 0 } {
HTTP::collect $content_length
set payload_collect true
if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId| Payload collected. we pass on HTTP_REQUEST_DATA event\n"}
We need to retrieve parameters from POST body
Looking for json POST parameter
if { $payload_collect } {
set payload [HTTP::payload]
if {$logDebug}{log local0. "=>|$logId| payload: $payload \n"}
I need to retrieve username and password from json
How can I manage the json for retrieve the values of username and password?
Thx, Stefano
- nitass
this is just an example. it may not be fully correct.
configuration root@(ve11b)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm virtual bar ltm virtual bar { destination ip-protocol tcp mask profiles { http { } tcp { } } rules { qux } source vs-index 2 } root@(ve11b)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm rule qux ltm rule qux { proc key2value {l k} { foreach elm [split $l ,] { set kv [split $elm :] if { $k eq [string trim [lindex $kv 0] { }] } { return [string trim [lindex $kv 1] { }] } } } when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length] } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set payload [HTTP::payload] log local0. "payload=$payload " log local0. "username=[call key2value [lindex $payload 0] \\"username\\"]" log local0. "password=[call key2value [lindex $payload 0] \\"password\\"]" HTTP::release } } client [root@centos1 ~] curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{\"username\" : \"abc\", \"password\" : \"def\"}' curl: (52) Empty reply from server [root@centos1 ~] /var/log/ltm [root@ve11b:Active:In Sync] config tail -f /var/log/ltm Feb 19 19:38:15 ve11b info tmm1[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : payload={\"username\" : \"abc\", \"password\" : \"def\"} Feb 19 19:38:15 ve11b info tmm1[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : username=\"abc\" Feb 19 19:38:15 ve11b info tmm1[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : password=\"def\"
- Stefano_E__1814
I put your code in my iRule and it run correctly.
There is only a problem. If there is a new line in the JSON, the "parsing" doesn't work correctly.
This is the JSON that creates problems:
{ "username" : "abc",
How can I remove the new line in the JSON (therefore in the payload)?
Thx again, Stefano
- nitass
How can I remove the new line in the JSON (therefore in the payload)?
can you try string trim without chars?
If chars is not specified then white space is removed (spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns).
string trim
configuration [root@ve11b:Active:In Sync] config tmsh list ltm rule qux ltm rule qux { proc key2value {l k} { foreach elm [split $l ,] { set kv [split $elm :] if { $k eq [string trim [lindex $kv 0]] } { return [string trim [lindex $kv 1]] } } } when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length] } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set payload [HTTP::payload] log local0. "payload=$payload " log local0. "username=[call key2value [lindex $payload 0] \"username\"]" log local0. "password=[call key2value [lindex $payload 0] \"password\"]" HTTP::release } } client [root@centos1 ~] curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d $'{ "username" : "abc",\n"password" : "def" }' curl: (52) Empty reply from server /var/log/ltm [root@ve11b:Active:In Sync] config tail -f /var/log/ltm Feb 20 09:58:13 ve11b info tmm[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : payload={ "username" : "abc", "password" : "def" } Feb 20 09:58:13 ve11b info tmm[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : username="abc" Feb 20 09:58:13 ve11b info tmm[14140]: Rule /Common/qux : password="def"
- Stefano_E__1814
Hi nitass,
your code works correctly.
Now I have to authenticate the user with the found username/password through LDAP Auth.
After creating a access profile, what should I do to call the profile into irule?
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