Forum Discussion

Sukhwinder1011's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2020

Any tool to match and update date/time value inside uri request before passing it to backend pool ??

Hi Everyone,


So the thing is, we are getting a uri request hit from customer on f5 with some time and date format within the uri itself. Now we have this request to update the time 5 min before the actual time inside the uri so let say if uri has time 45 min then i should send 40 min to backend pool. this could be due to latency or processing delays from client end but this is requested from their side.

So coming to original question. Is this really possible in f5 APM or iRule to match on this time string (let me also tell you that format is fix in uri and there is also strings inside the uri "START_TIME:01:00HRS:17thOCT" so we can use this START_TIME to match on). But idea is to store this time 01:00 as some variable like float/integer and perform minus 5 min operation before we can send it to backend pool. Please let me know if iRules or any F5 tool can solve this . Would be highly appreciated.


  • Hi


    A quick solution that should do the trick You'll just have to wrap around this code to replace the URI sent to the backend...


    set origTime "START_TIME:01:00HRS:17thOCT"
    log local0. "Original VALUE :  $origTime"
    regexp {(START_TIME:)(\d\d:\d\d)(.*)} $origTime  -> start middle end
    set origTimeSec [clock scan $resultVar]
    set newTimeSec [ expr { $s + 300 } ]
    set newTimeString [clock format $newdate -format {%H:%M}]
    log local0. "New VALUE : $start$newTimeString$end"


  • Hi


    A quick solution that should do the trick You'll just have to wrap around this code to replace the URI sent to the backend...


    set origTime "START_TIME:01:00HRS:17thOCT"
    log local0. "Original VALUE :  $origTime"
    regexp {(START_TIME:)(\d\d:\d\d)(.*)} $origTime  -> start middle end
    set origTimeSec [clock scan $resultVar]
    set newTimeSec [ expr { $s + 300 } ]
    set newTimeString [clock format $newdate -format {%H:%M}]
    log local0. "New VALUE : $start$newTimeString$end"
