Forum Discussion
Geolocation data auto-update
Here is bash script that automatically downloads and installs the latest Geolocation database:
F5 Geolocation Database update script
This script will sign into (using existing credentials), and download the latest appropriate geolocation database for the BIG-IP release and install the update. This should work on all current supported BIG-IP releases.
Place the script in /etc/cron.weekly or /etc/cron.daily and ensure that it is executable. It stores the name of the last update installed in /var/tmp/geo and only downloads if a new file is available.
If you need to use a proxy to get to the download site, you can set a proxy options variable.
As the credentials used to access are stored in the script, I recommend creating a new set of credentials for this purpose, and only using those credentials for this purpose.
Set the variables
downloads_from="USA - WEST COAST"
The script logs into /var/log/ltm when it runs, downloads and installs the database. It also logs errors, such as login failure and database backup errors.
If the F5 Downloads site changes or restructures, the script will probably fail.
#! /bin/bash
# f5 geolocation updater
# free for use
logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - checking for updates"
if [[ ! -e $base_dir ]]; then
mkdir -p $base_dir
cd $base_dir
if [[ -e "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" ]]; then
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt"
fullversion=$(tmsh show sys version | grep " Version" | awk '{ print $2 }')
# echo $fullversion
baseversion=$(echo $fullversion | awk -F. '{ print $1 }')
# echo $baseversion
containerversion=$(echo $fullversion | awk -F. '{ print $1"."$2"."$3 }')
# backup the current Geolocation database
if [[ ! -e $dir ]]; then
mkdir -p $dir
elif [[ ! -d $dir ]]; then
logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - error backing up Geolocation database: $dir already exists but is not a directory"
if [ $baseversion -ge 15 ]; then
/bin/cp -R /shared/GeoIP/* /shared/GeoIP_backup/
/bin/cp -R /usr/share/GeoIP/* /shared/GeoIP_backup/
# echo $containerversion
# echo $container
downloads_from="USA - WEST COAST"
# specify any curl proxy options as required
# eg --proxy http://user:password@host:port/
# or
# "" for direct connect
# get the login page
loginpage=$(curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent$container 2>&1 | grep "action=" | awk -F'[=\"|\">]' '{ print $3 }' )
# echo $loginpage
# submit the credentials
afterlogin=$(curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent $loginpage -X POST --data-urlencode "userid=$downloads_user" --data-urlencode "passwd=$downloads_password" 2>&1 | grep "F5 Networks - My Account" | awk -F'[="|">]' '{ print $6 }' )
# echo $afterlogin
if [[ $afterlogin == "" ]]; then
logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - login failure"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt"
# back to the geolocation container
# echo $target_container
mycontainer=$(curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent $target_container 2>&1 )
# send the EULA accept
# echo $eula_path
servedownload=$(curl -m 5 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kvLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent --ignore-content-length "$eula_path" 2>&1 | grep -e "href\=.*zip\'" | awk -F"[<|>]" '{print $2}' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F"'" '{ print $2 }' )
# echo $servedownload
# get the AWS zip location
selected_zip=$(curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent "$target_zip" 2>&1 | grep -e "href.*${downloads_from}" | awk -F'[<|>]' '{ print $6 } ' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' )
# echo $selected_zip
zip_file_name=$( echo $selected_zip | awk -F'[?]' '{ print $1 }' | awk -F'[/]' '{ print $4 }' | awk -FF '{ print $6 }' )
if [[ ! -e $zip_file_name ]]; then
logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - downloading update $zip_file_name"
curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent -o "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" "$selected_zip" 2>&1
md5servedownload=$(curl -m 5 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kvLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent --ignore-content-length "$eula_path" 2>&1 | grep -e "href\=.*zip.md5\'" | awk -F"[<|>]" '{print $2}' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F"'" '{ print $2 }' )
selected_md5=$(curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent "$target_md5" 2>&1 | grep -e "href.*${downloads_from}" | awk -F'[<|>]' '{ print $6 } ' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' )
md5_file_name=$( echo $selected_md5 | awk -F'[?]' '{ print $1 }' | awk -F'[/]' '{ print $4 }' | awk -FF '{ print $6 }' )
curl -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent -o "$base_dir/$md5_file_name" "$selected_md5" 2>&1
if md5sum --status -c $md5_file_name; then
logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - installing update $zip_file_name"
unzip -qq "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" 2>&1 > /dev/null
for rpm in *.rpm
# echo $rpm
geoip_update_data -l -f $rpm 2>&1 > /dev/null
/bin/rm -f $rpm
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/README.txt"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$zip_file_name"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$md5_file_name"
for last_zip in "*.zip"
rm -f $last_zip
touch "$base_dir/$zip_file_name"
logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - download failed verification"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$zip_file_name"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$md5_file_name"
logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - latest database currently installed"
/bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt"
- Curious1Nov 02, 2020
Hi, does this script work on v14.x?
Just tried it and I get a login failure yet my creds are ok and verified connectivity to from the BigIP with curl. Result is a 302 to the login page.
Nov 2 16:17:44 host notice : Geolocation update file check - checking for updates
Nov 2 16:17:48 host err : Geolocation update file check - login failure (my creds are ok though, confirmed with a manual download)
- Linux_TechFeb 18, 2021
There seem to have been some download website changes that prevented the script from working.
I have made some changes to the script which I tested on 14.1.
Give it a go:
#! /bin/bash # f5 geolocation updater # # free for use logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - checking for updates" base_dir="/var/tmp/geo" if [[ ! -e $base_dir ]]; then mkdir -p $base_dir fi cd $base_dir if [[ -e "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" ]]; then /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" fi fullversion=$(tmsh show sys version | grep " Version" | awk '{ print $2 }') # echo $fullversion baseversion=$(echo $fullversion | awk -F. '{ print $1 }') # echo $baseversion containerversion=$(echo $fullversion | awk -F. '{ print $1"."$2"."$3 }') # backup the current Geolocation database dir="/shared/GeoIP_backup" if [[ ! -e $dir ]]; then mkdir -p $dir elif [[ ! -d $dir ]]; then logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - error backing up Geolocation database: $dir already exists but is not a directory" exit fi if [ $baseversion -ge 15 ]; then /bin/cp -R /shared/GeoIP/* /shared/GeoIP_backup/ else /bin/cp -R /usr/share/GeoIP/* /shared/GeoIP_backup/ fi # echo $containerversion container="sw=BIG-IP&pro=big-ip_v$baseversion.x&ver=$containerversion&container=GeoLocationUpdates" # echo $container downloads_user="" downloads_password="" downloads_from="USA - WEST COAST" # specify any curl proxy options as required # eg --proxy http://user:password@host:port/ # or # "" for direct connect proxy_opts="" # get the login page loginpage=$(curl -m 10 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent$container 2>&1 | grep "action=" | awk -F'[=\"|\">]' '{ print $3 }' ) # echo $loginpage # submit the credentials afterlogin=$(curl -m 10 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent $loginpage -X POST --data-urlencode "userid=$downloads_user" --data-urlencode "passwd=$downloads_password" 2>&1 | grep "F5 - My Account" | awk -F'[="|">]' '{ print $6 }' ) # echo $afterlogin if [[ $afterlogin == "" ]]; then logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - login failure" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" exit fi # back to the geolocation container target_container="$container" # echo $target_container mycontainer=$(curl -m 10 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent $target_container 2>&1 ) # send the EULA accept eula_path="$container&path=&file=&B1=I+Accept" # echo $eula_path servedownload=$(curl -m 10 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kvLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent --ignore-content-length "$eula_path" 2>&1 | grep -e "href\=.*zip\'" | awk -F"[<|>]" '{print $2}' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F"'" '{ print $2 }' ) # echo $servedownload # get the AWS zip location target_zip="$servedownload" # echo $target_zip selected_zip=$(curl -m 10 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent "$target_zip" 2>&1 | grep -e "href.*${downloads_from}" | awk -F'[<|>]' '{ print $6 } ' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' ) # echo $selected_zip zip_file_name=$( echo $selected_zip | awk -F'[?]' '{ print $1 }' | awk -F'[/]' '{ print $NF }' ) # echo $zip_file_name if [[ ! -e $zip_file_name ]]; then logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - downloading update $zip_file_name" curl -m 30 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent -o "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" "$selected_zip" 2>&1 md5servedownload=$(curl -m 5 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kvLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent --ignore-content-length "$eula_path" 2>&1 | grep -e "href\=.*zip.md5\'" | awk -F"[<|>]" '{print $2}' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F"'" '{ print $2 }' ) target_md5="$md5servedownload" selected_md5=$(curl -m 5 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent "$target_md5" 2>&1 | grep -e "href.*${downloads_from}" | awk -F'[<|>]' '{ print $6 } ' | awk -F'=' '{ st = index($0,"="); print substr($0,st+1) }' | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' ) md5_file_name=$( echo $selected_md5 | awk -F'[?]' '{ print $1 }' | awk -F'[/]' '{ print $NF }' ) # echo $md5_file_name curl -m 30 --connect-timeout 2 --no-keepalive -kLb $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt -c $base_dir/geo_cookies.txt $proxy_opts --silent -o "$base_dir/$md5_file_name" "$selected_md5" 2>&1 if md5sum --status -c $md5_file_name; then logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - installing update $zip_file_name" unzip -qq "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" 2>&1 > /dev/null for rpm in *.rpm do # echo $rpm geoip_update_data -l -f $rpm 2>&1 > /dev/null /bin/rm -f $rpm done /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/README.txt" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$md5_file_name" for last_zip in "*.zip" do rm -f $last_zip done touch "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" else logger -p local0.err "Geolocation update file check - download failed verification" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$zip_file_name" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/$md5_file_name" fi else logger -p local0.notice "Geolocation update file check - latest database currently installed" /bin/rm -f "$base_dir/geo_cookies.txt" fi
- kridsanaFeb 20, 2023
Code isn't working. Maybe due to downloads.f5 change to myf5 right now
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