Forum Discussion

guy_dahan's avatar
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Oct 22, 2018

Form-based Client-initiated SSO - does NOT inject JS



i'm writing this article since i had this issue and i couldn't find any documentation to this behavior so i hope this can save you guys some time.


My issue was that after configuring Client-initiated SSO and trying to run it i could see that APM identifies the request and match the form but for some reason i couldn't find any signs of Auto/Custom JS injected in the response. also couldn't find any logs (Debug) indicating the problem.


After working with support the reason for that was a missing "Content-Type" header in HTTP response of the login request (in my case it was QlikSense app)


the next thing you think is - Ok i'm gonna add it in HTTP_Response irule event but according to support the an additional VS is required to make it work (probably due to sequence of events).


I decided to try the irule (HTTP::header replace ) on the same VS and guess what ? it worked!




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