Forum Discussion

soymanue's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 08, 2012

Forcing node off in all the pools



I want to create a script to force a node offiline in all the pools it belongs to.


How would you modifidy this example ?



01: proc script::run {} {


02: if { $tmsh::argc "


04: } else {


05: set poolstring [lindex $tmsh::argv 1]


06: set len [expr { [string length $poolstring] - 1 }]


07: }


08: foreach {pool} [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool] {


09: if { [string range [tmsh::get_name $pool] 0 $len] equals $poolstring } {


10: tmsh::delete ltm pool [tmsh::get_name $pool]


11: }


12: }


13: }


14: proc script::help {} {


15: tmsh::add_help "Delete a list of pools beginning with specified string\n\


16: "


17: }



Before working on the script, I've tried with a single command. As we have partitions, it hasn't worked




tmsh modify ltm pool /Unix/XPA_448 members modify { {state user-down}} 01020036:3: The requested pool member (/Unix/XPA_448 /Unix/ 448) was not found.



tmsh modify ltm pool XPA_448 members modify { {state user-down}} 01020036:3: The requested pool (/Common/XPA_448) was not found.



Can anybody help with any of both issues (script or single command)?


Thank you
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Manuel,



    You can just disable the node address and the pool member will be disabled across all of the pools it's in. You don't want to actually delete the pool members.


