Forum Discussion
Jun 08, 2012Nimbostratus
Forcing node off in all the pools
I want to create a script to force a node offiline in all the pools it belongs to.
How would you modifidy this example ?
01: proc script::run {} {
02: if { $tmsh::argc "
04: } else {
05: set poolstring [lindex $tmsh::argv 1]
06: set len [expr { [string length $poolstring] - 1 }]
07: }
08: foreach {pool} [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool] {
09: if { [string range [tmsh::get_name $pool] 0 $len] equals $poolstring } {
10: tmsh::delete ltm pool [tmsh::get_name $pool]
11: }
12: }
13: }
14: proc script::help {} {
15: tmsh::add_help "Delete a list of pools beginning with specified string\n\
16: "
17: }
Before working on the script, I've tried with a single command. As we have partitions, it hasn't worked
tmsh modify ltm pool /Unix/XPA_448 members modify { {state user-down}} 01020036:3: The requested pool member (/Unix/XPA_448 /Unix/ 448) was not found.
tmsh modify ltm pool XPA_448 members modify { {state user-down}} 01020036:3: The requested pool (/Common/XPA_448) was not found.
Can anybody help with any of both issues (script or single command)?
Thank you
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Manuel,
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