Forum Discussion

gowenfawr's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 25, 2012

Flow chart of ASM interaction with requests?

We are adding ASM into an existing configuration where requests come into an LTM virtual server, are processed by several iRules, and then forwarded to their final destination servers.


I've been asked to flowchart how this is all going to fit together. Does ASM precede XML parsing? iRule triggers? Does it come after them? Does it short-circuit iRule execution or override routing provided by iRules after the fact?


There's probably a nice article on DevCentral already describing how the two interact, but I haven't found it by searching, so I figured I'd ask.


Any help is appreciated!



  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    As per another post about ASM and iRules I believe that there is no set flowchart to describe ASM/LTM/iRule interactions. I would say that in regards iRules and because it's Event based then certain iRule events will fire prior to the ASM and some after. For instance the HTTP_REQUEST event, and subsequent commands, will fire prior to HTTP_CLASS_SELECTED.



    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks, Nathan. For the purposes of my flowchart I'll pretend that ASM and iRules execute in parallel but that ASM has veto power.