Forum Discussion
May 04, 2011Firepass and Active directory session vars
I currently have a prospective client doing a competitive POC involving Firepass.
We are using Active Directory for authentication, and the client would like to assign static IP addresses...
May 04, 2011Hi Mike
I'm not querying an actual RADUIS server, there lies the rub.
Active directory, in it's infinite wisdom returns the IP as a 32bit signed integer.
I know the Cisco SSL VPN solution can do the conversion internally, so why not Firepass?
Here's the vbscript from David Wiseman to convert to IP:
OPTIONEXPLICITConst E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = &h8000500DDIM objUser,msRADIUSFramedIPAddress'<<<< Bind to the user object using the distinguished name >>>>set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=user1,cn=users,dc=wisesoft,dc=org,dc=uk")ONERRORRESUMENEXT
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress= objUser.get("msRADIUSFramedIPAddress")IF Err.Number = E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND then
wscript.echo "Static IP Address Not Assigned"
wscript.echo IntegerToIPAddress(msRADIUSFramedIPAddress)EndIf' Function to convert Integer value to IP Address.Function IntegerToIPAddress(intIP)Const FourthOctet = 1Const ThirdOctet = 256Const SecondOctet = 65536Const FirstOctet = 16777216dim strIP,intFirstRemainder,intSecondRemainder,intThirdRemainderIfsgn(intIP) = -1 Then
strIP = (256 + (int(intIP/FirstOctet))) & "."
intFirstRemainder = intIP mod FirstOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intFirstRemainder/SecondOctet))) & "."
intSecondRemainder = intFirstRemainder mod SecondOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intSecondRemainder/ThirdOctet))) & "."
intThirdRemainder = intSecondRemainder mod ThirdOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intThirdRemainder/FourthOctet)))Else
strIP = int(intIP/FirstOctet) & "."
intFirstRemainder = intIP mod FirstOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intFirstRemainder/SecondOctet) & "."
intSecondRemainder = intFirstRemainder mod SecondOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intSecondRemainder/ThirdOctet) & "."
intThirdRemainder = intSecondRemainder mod ThirdOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intThirdRemainder/FourthOctet)EndIf
IntegerToIPAddress = strIPendfunction
So how do I do this on firepass???
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