Forum Discussion

truongh_36312's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 11, 2019

find source ip address after reverse proxy

Hi, - when capture tcpdump at BIGIP LTM, how do I see the source ip address of user when the traffic coming out from reverse proxy (SNAT) to BIGIP LTM since i only see the ip address of RP.


  • When setting cookies persistence in virtual server, users still have cookies when RP between users and virtual server?

Thanks in advance


  • The most common solution to this issue is to set up an X-Forwarded-For Header. HERE is some info on that. Enabling this will tell the F5 to add in an HTTP Header that stores the original client IP address.


    Hope that helps! If it does, please up-vote and select this answer, it would be greatly appreciated!




  • The most common solution to this issue is to set up an X-Forwarded-For Header. HERE is some info on that. Enabling this will tell the F5 to add in an HTTP Header that stores the original client IP address.


    Hope that helps! If it does, please up-vote and select this answer, it would be greatly appreciated!

