Forum Discussion
Failed to connect via GTM/LTM
So lets break this down, from this flow
service A -> GTM/LTM -> service B
can you confirm you have GTM setup with a suitable FQDN ? So we are checking DNS.
So from service A, can you nslookup the FQDN you want to get to and get the IP address you are expecting which is hopefully your LTM VS VIP?
Lastly before we dig deeper, if you get a good IP back, can you ping that ip?
Also check you service A server's dns config - is it pointing to the correct place?
kismiss In addition to what PSFletchTheTek has asked. Can you verify that the communication between service A and service B has to pass through the GTM/LTM in order to communicate between those two services? If the F5 is not in path between those two services you will have to configure SNAT on the virtual server in question from service A to service B because that could be what is causing the issue. When configuring SNAT I recommend using a snatpool that uses the IP of the virtual server that service A is attempting to connect to rather than AutoMap.
- Amr_AliSep 19, 2023
kismissIn addition to Paulius verification request, and if I understand correctly you will need to configure the virtual server on the LTM module to make the destination NAT to allow service A to reach service B,
and if you can share the topology design that will be useful in understanding the issue, as I think you use the F5 LTM/GTM modules to work as link controller functions
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