Forum Discussion

mnb_63148's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2016

F5 viprion - guest fails after vlan added

I have an F5 Viprion and just created a new guest. I configured interfaces, trunks, and vlans. When I assign VLANs from the host to the new guest in the VCMP-Guest window, the guest Status changes from "green"/active, to "gray" on the host. I have to disable the guest and re-deploy again on the guest. I have worked with other models (i.e. 10200) and did not have this issue. Is there anything different that is required on the Viprion to prevent the guest from going offline after adding a new VLAN to a guest?




  • That's not normal. I suggest you look on the guest to see if it crashed (core files in /var/core, entries in /var/log/tmm, /var/log/ltm).


    If it did crash, please open a support ticket to investigate.