12 TopicsHow is choosen the master or primary slot of the cluster?
Hi there, I'd like to know how the cluster master slot is choosen? Is there any rule or algorithm to choose the primary slot on boot? I'm wondering why my Viprion has decided this configuration after booting: On the vCMP host: ----------------------------------------- Sys::Cluster: default ----------------------------------------- Address Availability available State enabled Reason Cluster Enabled Primary Slot ID 1 Primary Selection Time 11/27/14 09:03:31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sys::Cluster Members | ID Address Availability State Licensed HA Clusterd Reason ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1 available enabled true active running Run | 2 available enabled true active running Run | 3 :: unknown disabled false unknown shutdown Slot powered off or empty, manually disabled | 4 :: unknown disabled false unknown shutdown Slot powered off or empty, manually disabled On the guest: ----------------------------------------- Sys::Cluster: default ----------------------------------------- Address Availability available State enabled Reason Cluster Enabled Primary Slot ID 2 Primary Selection Time 11/27/14 09:06:27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sys::Cluster Members | ID Address Availability State Licensed HA Clusterd Reason ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1 :: available enabled true active running Run | 2 :: available enabled true active running Run | 3 :: unknown enabled false unknown shutdown Slot powered off or empty | 4 :: unknown enabled false unknown shutdown Slot powered off or empty I'd expect to see the guest active on slot 1 too, how is this? It doesn't matter that the slot 1 is the active one for the host and slot 2 for the guest?1.1KViews0likes8CommentsInstall status audited on boot location where I try to install new software
Hi, I'm trying to install over a Boot Location where was some time ago (I do have 3 boot locations over all). Once the image gets tested it does not install as it should but instead the old software version goes into "Audited" status with not progress whatsoever. This lasts indefinetly (or at least it did not change after several hours today...). I'm upgrading from to I rebooted the box, It went back to normal but once I tried to install new soft again it once more gets stuck in audited. Also - it seems that the device makes a local copy of the image as I'm quite sure I deleted the local copy of from the device before I reattempted the installation. (see screenshot). No entries are appearing in the liveinstall.log and when I do show sys software it does show the audited status: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sys::Software Status Volume Product Version Build Active Status Allowed Version -------------------------------------------------------------------- HD1.1 BIG-IP 0.0.4 no audited yes HD1.2 BIG-IP 0.0.4 no complete yes HD1.3 BIG-IP 0.0.28 yes complete yes This happens on a VCMP guest. The host is currently running Another attempt at install is not possible unless I reboot the device. Any ideas?Solved2.1KViews0likes4CommentsViprion slot core reorganization
Hello Everyone, I started working a while ago managing some F5 hosts and guests and I encounter a strange situation. During an upgrade from v13 to v15 of a 1 core per slot vcmp guest I ran into a memory issue and I was unable to upgrade this guest. I was suggested to reconfigure the cores in this vcmp guest to get more memory. My current setup is the following: Viprion Host with 4 slots with 20 cores each. (We have 2 chassis) 18 Of the cores in every slot are used. So I have 2 vcmp guests with one core per slot. I was suggested to reconfigure the vcmp guests using 2 cores in 2 slots so I can get double the memory, moving from 1x4 to 2x2. I read all the manuals regarding resource allocation but I can't seem to understand why will this perform better (aside from the fact that it will have more memory). Is it better to have more cores assigned per slot rather than using all 4 slots? Will it handle the same amount of traffic the same way?549Views0likes1CommentUnable to login F5 guest using admin credentials
I am having a strange issue where I cannot login to the F5 guest using the admin account . I have changed the admin credentials using the root account but the approach does not work .. Is there any workaround for this to get the admin account working again ?441Views0likes1CommentvCMP host and compatible guest version
I have three devices (2 - i7800 and 1 - i10800) with vCMP. I want to know if I can upgrade a guest to version 13 or 14, the host are running a 12.1.3.x version. I already checked the vCMP host and compatible guest version matrix, but it says nothing about 12.1.3.x versionSolved966Views0likes1CommentReboot Blade / Reboot Chassis options in a vCMP Guest
Hi, Which is the difference between "Reboot Blade" and "Reboot Chassis" when we're working at a Guest level? It's clear that from a Guest I'll never be able of affect the real hardware, so I'l never be able of reboot the blade or chassis. When I use this options on a Guest, what is the real effect? I don't have a vCMP test environment, so I can't test it. I guess that any of those options will reboot the Guest, but with any difference between the blade or chassis option? I guess that maybe, "Reboot Blade" at a Guest level will reboot the VM for that Guest on that blade, and "Reboot Chassis" at a Guest level will, maybe, reboot all the VMs for that Guest on all the slots to which that Guest is spanned. I haven't find any documentation about this specific subject, so any help to clarify this will be welcomed :) Thanks.857Views0likes7CommentsViprion without vCMP to Viprion with vCMP
hey everyone! We have a viprion in production right now (vCMP not provisioned) and we are planning on activating it. We will be creating the Guests (2 specifically). My question is, is it possible to load the UCS of the current configuration (without vCMP) to the Guests that we will be creating? if possible, am i going to load the full UCS because from what I know, network configurations are configured in the Host level. How should we approach this scenario? Thank you for responding!202Views0likes1Commentcannot create VCMP Guest
Hi everyone. we have created a guest with 2 cores unfortunately, it does not have enough memory to activate LTM,ASM and APM that's why we will add another 2 cores. however, we cannot add the other cores, it says that slot1 is a fragmented resource. we tried deleting the guest and create another with 4 cores but got the same error. how to resolve this? thank you296Views0likes3CommentsF5 viprion - guest fails after vlan added
I have an F5 Viprion and just created a new guest. I configured interfaces, trunks, and vlans. When I assign VLANs from the host to the new guest in the VCMP-Guest window, the guest Status changes from "green"/active, to "gray" on the host. I have to disable the guest and re-deploy again on the guest. I have worked with other models (i.e. 10200) and did not have this issue. Is there anything different that is required on the Viprion to prevent the guest from going offline after adding a new VLAN to a guest? Thanks.302Views0likes1Comment