Forum Discussion

godet71_320589's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 07, 2017

F5 ltm email alert customizing.



I have a questions some F5 ltm email alert. Using the /config/user_alert.conf, and F5 sent email alert to customizing.


So I received the email, but email subject was so long long... Examples, "01070638:5: Pool xxxxxx member xxxx:80 monitor status down. [ /Common/xxxxx: down; last error: /Common/xxxxxx: Response Code: 200 (OK); Downed instance came up.; Unable to connec..."


I want to email subject customizing that "01070638:5: Pool xxxxxx member xxxx:80 monitor status down." and email body fill the detail syslog include.


I read other question that add the text. It's not working that user_alert.conf. alert BIGIP_MCPD_MCPDERR_POOL_MEMBER_MON_STATUS "Pool xxx member xxxxx:80 monitor status down." { snmptrap OID="."; email toaddress="" body="Subject: Pool xxx member xxxxx:80 monitor status down." }


Would please ASAP please give me the solution. waiting for your reply...