Forum Discussion

Ganesh_Shelar_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 17, 2017

F5 load balancer serving one cycle of request from one server

Suppose i have multiple servers behind my F5 load balance VIP but my application has limitation that it will only serve the response send from the requested server, in this case suppose server1 is sending the request and response should be sent back to server1 to get processed if the response is sent to server2 under LB transaction will be failed. Please help to to understand is there any mechanism in F5 where this can be fixed.


  • Are you talking about a form of persistence, where requests will be sent to one pool member?


  • Are you talking about a form of persistence, where requests will be sent to one pool member?


    • Ganesh_Shelar_3's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Yes Rayan request and response should be processed through one pool member. If the request is sent to the external application from 1 pool member through f5 the response should from the external the application should land on same pool member


    • Ryannnnnnnnn's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      You should consider configuring a persistence profile then. I'm currently on my phone and will post a link to a KB tomorrow if you can't find one yourself, but i suggest you look on DevCentral or search AskF5.




  • Are you talking about a form of persistence, where requests will be sent to one pool member?


    • Ganesh_Shelar_3's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Yes Rayan request and response should be processed through one pool member. If the request is sent to the external application from 1 pool member through f5 the response should from the external the application should land on same pool member


    • Ryan_80361's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      You should consider configuring a persistence profile then. I'm currently on my phone and will post a link to a KB tomorrow if you can't find one yourself, but i suggest you look on DevCentral or search AskF5.

