Forum Discussion

k_kirchev_28437's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 06, 2018

F5 i5800 vCMP dedicated high memory

Hello Guys,


a client have 2 F5 i5800 physical appliances and there is requirement to use virtualization and have more than one F5 context/vCMP.


So I already configured and installed 2 vCMPs which are HA pairs and work fine. Active/Standby vCMPs reside on different physical F5s. BUT after a few weeks I saw F5 hardware appliances are working constantly at more than 90% memory usage. Everything is working fine but this is bothering me.


Could there be any issue or maybe this is normal?


I was searching for more than 2 weeks here and other resources without any result. I also used iHealth but there was no "memory usage warning" or something similar.


Can anyone give some advice on this?


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    If you look in the ihealth you can see at least 3 options for memory usage: tmm, swap and other Which one is consuming the memory?


    This may help If you see that other (Linux host) is the top consumer then it might be expected. Increasing TMM or swap memory usage that you need to keep an eye on


    You need to build up baseline in other to know if there is unexpected memory usage. You need to get at least 3 qkviews within reasonable time frame and check if the memory continue increasing.


    If the picture does not change then it may indicate that everything is fine


  • Hello Surgeon,


    thanks for the answer. In fact I did not made a baseline BUT I was looking at memory usage statistics almost every days since last 2 3 weeks and every time it was 93,5 94 or 93,6. It is Other memory. TMM stays at about 30-35% usage.


    And of course everything is working. There is 40Gigs traffic passing in both client/server directions.


    Interesting is that on Statistics->Analitycs->VCMP->Memory module there is usage only of 30Gigs(10 per each vCMP guest) total other memory which is not 92,93%. Total memory is 50GB. However, again, everything is working :)


    Thank you for your answer! Have a nice day!